Ty Warren Software Developer

About Me Projects Developer Blog


Hi! My name is Ty, I am software developer with an emphasis in web and iOS applications. Along with a passion for code I also love problem solving and game theory.

Graphic Design

I have a background in graphic design and have always enjoyed making intuitive visual solutions. Logos, flyers, in print and web-based formats. Feel free to check out my design work here

[ Code ]

I have experience coding with Javascript, Swift 3, and Python. Although I have been focusing on Javascript, I enjoy learning new technologies and coding in different languages.


Gaming, game theory, pretty much everything inbetween, I love talking about it. Gaming challenges a player under a set of constraints to solve a problem. It shares those attributes that I love about design and coding.

Featured Projects

Snail Fantasy
Project: Snail Fantasy
  • Swift 3, Firebase, Coredata
  • Snail Fantasy is a menu based roleplaying game. You attack and slay monsters for gold to then use gold to upgrade your character to defeat harder monsters. This was a group project created with two other developers. My role was focused around the stats menu, progression of the game, design of the logo, random name generator, and a few other features. This project is still unfinished but will some day see the app store.

    Project: hoard API
    • Django, Django Rest Framework

    An API for items that might be found in a tabletop roleplaying game. The idea was to build an API that could be used to develop apps for assisting with games like DnD and Pathfinder.

    Project: Javascript30
  • Javascript, CSS, HTML
  • Javascript 30 is a 30 day challenge to code something up in javascript without any bells or whistles from a framework. Good ol' vanilla bean JS. I am also using this as an excuse to blog every day. Feel free to check that out here

    Project: Pewpews
    • Javascript, PIXI.js, BUMP for PIXI

    This project with a working title of "Pewpews" is a 2D browser game built with a developer friend of mine Ben Swanson. We started this project in an effort to learn PIXI.js. Challenges in this project have been working with 2D collisions (with help from the BUMP library), and overall optimization for the app when multiple players are in game. It is still very much in the early stages of development but has been a ton of fun to work on.
